Saturday, May. 28, 2005 @ 9:49 p.m.


The first and original member of the Derm unit is Dr. C, who will, from here on, be referred to as CJ. Ah, what to say about CJ? Where does one start?
Standing about 5'6" tall, (not including the 1-2" lifts in his shoes that look suspiciously corrective) with watery blue eyes and coke-bottle glasses, he is the youngest Dermatologist in the unit but has the most seniority. He has been fondly described as "a homely-looking man" and sounds just like Kermit the Frog. The only child of two attentive parents with an extended family from New York, he holds mass skin exams after work in one of his exam rooms about twice a year when said realtions descend for a visit. His wife works for our Clinic as well and she has always struck me as being *totally bizarre*. He is soft spoken AND he mumbles; which can be a fucking disaster and his handwriting looks like he uses his toes instead. He can't just put the pen on the paper and write either, he needs to "come into a landing"; imagine someone holding their pencil, as they're preparing to write, poised 3 inches above the paper, making circular swooping motions while slowly descending upon the prescription pad. Maddening.
CJ has been know to get a little pissy when things aren't all in order and stomps his feet, while simultaneously shouting "How can I be expected to TREAT THIS PATIENT if I don't have all of the information I NEED!??" Yes folks, it is during these moments that I have an urge to get the baby wipes and bottle, because, apparently, little CJ is fussy and needs his binky and a nap. He is a champion Passive-Agressive. If you don't couch your inquiries about one of his patients to him in just the right tone and terms, he might think you're questioning his judgment and burn you to a smoldering log of ash with the hellfire that he shoots from his eyes. I tell you what, he must practice that look, 'cuz that shit'll make you wish you could shrink to the size of a crouton and hide under your desk. I think CJ behaves this way because he is a very proud man, I think he loves his job but is a doctor because of the title and position that it brings; there has been more than one occasion where he has proven to be very aware of rank. Both with the Doctors and the Nurses. Once, one of the other doctors refered to himself in a publication as the senior staff dermatologist and it chapped CJ's ass. He loves chocolate and is not above scrounging through the drawers in the pod, hoping to hit our secret stash. We'll usually take pity on him after a few minutes and direct him to the proper spot, it's just funny to watch him jones a little bit. Really, it's just funny to watch him.

The current mood of tagamii at


Listening to~
Worrying about~

<~~ & ~~>

******************************************************* Incontinence - Friday, Mar. 10, 2006

Winter - Friday, Nov. 04, 2005

Greetings from home - Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2005

OCEAN - Sunday, Sept. 18, 2005

More Potty Talk & Ground Zero - Tuesday, Sept. 06, 2005